Nominated for 5 Academy Awards, the Big Short is a box office hit that focuses on the corrupt banking tactics during the housing bubble of the mid 2000’s. Steve Carell, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, and Brad Pitt star as real life investors who bet against the greed of the banks in an effort to grow wealthy at the expense of the United States economy.

When banks initiated loans without proper documentation and then sold the loans to other institutions, the United States suffered a financial crisis second only to the Great Depression. According to the Wall Street Journal, “More than 9.3 million homeowners went through a foreclosure, surrendered their home to a lender or sold their home via a distress sale between 2006 and 2014.”

Nearly ten years later, the housing crisis still affects homeowners facing a foreclosure. The Estavillo Law Group in Oakland, California is committed to helping people who are facing foreclosure, or even had their home foreclosed upon, stay in their home.

Success Against the Big Banks

When Jason W. Estavillo began his law firm more than six years ago, he took his then fifteen plus years of law firm experience with larger firms and focused that experience into helping people in danger of losing their homes get fair representation at an affordable price.

To date, Jason has hundreds of wins against major banks such as Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon, and JP Morgan Chase. In December, Jason took on the big banks and won four more noteworthy cases, You can read Jason’s success story against the banks in his blog.

More Than Just an Advocate for Homeowners

Leaving the comfort of the larger firms was an easy choice for Jason, who wanted to focus on the very individuals whose homes were taken due to Wall Street’s corrupt business practices. When he saw Wall Street being bailed out while homeowners were being forced out, Jason dedicated his law firm to addressing the illicit practices of big banks.

When a veteran in Alameda County was a week away from losing her home, Jason used his knowledge of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act to keep her and her family in their home. This Act has been amended by Congress, allowing Jason to continue to fight for those men and women who serve our country.

Fighting to Keep You in Your Home

The Big Short is an eye-opening account of how Wall Street and banks manipulated the system to approve bad home loans and then oust unsuspecting people from their own homes. With fingers pointing in every direction and the government bailing out those responsible for the crisis, homeowners are left fending for themselves.

If you or someone you know is the victim of the housing crisis and facing foreclosure, contact us for a free phone consultation. If you would like more information about our services or how we have helped those affected by the crisis based on the movie, The Big Short, please visit our website.