With much of the country experiencing a hot housing and commercial real estate market, the right choice for many buyers is to hire a business to build a new home on a piece of land. While this may still be costly, the advantages include being able to directly specify what features you want a building to contain and not having to deal with competitive bidding or untruthful sellers.
Even so, conflicts may arise during the construction process. These can include disagreements concerning the date of completion, the materials used in the build, or even the timing of payment. An Oakland construction contract dispute lawyer is prepared to help. The dedicated contract disputes attorneys at Estavillo Law Group could represent your best interests during any disagreement with a construction company related to residential, commercial, or industrial property.
Scenarios that May Lead to Construction Disputes
The building of new construction of any sort is a major financial investment. This applies equally to the individual or business looking for a new structure and the companies looking to make a profit from the investment. This simple fact means that all parties will be looking to protect themselves and their finances.
Perhaps the simplest reason for construction disputes is ambiguity in the terms of the contract. Every construction project shoud be the result of a written contract, and the rights and obligations of all parties extend only as far as the language in these documents. Having unclear terms in these contracts could lead either party to act in unexpected ways that confuse the other party but appear to be within the confines of the agreement. A seasoned Oakland construction contract dispute attorney could examine the language of a contract to determine the full obligations of all parties.
Discord may also arise from one party’s actions that appear to be a direct contradiction of the terms of a contract. These can include:
- Not providing proper payment in accordance with the schedule
- Not obtaining proper permits to build
- Failing to build the project up to code
Each of these examples may justify a demand for compensation or another form of remedy. A construction contract dispute lawyer in Oakland is ready to evaluate a current construction agreement and examine the actions of all involved parties.
Taking Concrete Steps to Protect the Interests of Clients During Disputes
It is critical that parties seeking new property through a build be prepared to protect their rights at every opportunity. For many, this includes being able to quickly recognize a breach of contract and assess their ability to demand payment or receipt of services. In fact, most construction contract disputes reach a resolution without ever needing to go to court.
A construction contracts dispute attorney in Oakland could help parties evaluate their rights under a contract and approach the negotiating table from a position of strength. This can include both informal settlement talks and situations where a court orders a supervised mediation or arbitration. Ideally, this can bring the matter to a close faster and with fewer costs than a full trial.
However, situations may arise where a jury’s or judge’s verdict is necessary to enforce the terms of a contract. A knowledgeable legal professional could help bring a case to court within the four-year statute of limitations present in California Civil Code § 337. They could gather relevant evidence, research the necessary areas of law, and present persuasive arguments that help push a client’s needs forward.
Speak with an Oakland Construction Contract Dispute Attorney Today
The construction of a new structure to serve as your home, brick-and-mortar retail location, or manufacturing site can certainly be an exciting time. However, it is crucially important to remember your legal rights as they concern the contracts that allow these builds to take place.
Whether it appears likely that negotiations could result in a settlement, or it becomes necessary to bring a case to court, an Oakland construction contract dispute lawyer is ready to do what is necessary to protect your rights. Reach out to our firm today to get started.