The Law Offices of Jason W. Estavillo led clients to foreclosure law success in three recent court rulings.

In one case we defended a client in summary judgment brought by Aurora Loan Services.  In two other cases we were successful in getting the courts to issue a TRO (temporary restraining order) and a preliminary injunction to stop an illegal foreclosure.

In the case with Aurora Loan Services, the purported lender (Aurora Loan Services) brought a Motion for Summary Judgment against the Plaintiff on the wrongful foreclosure claim against Aurora.  Judge Derek Hunt found that there were triable issues of material fact on whether Aurora had the right to foreclose on our client’s home.  The trial is set for November 4th of this year.

In another matter, The Estavillo Law Group were successful in Sacramento County to stop the Bank of New York from selling their clients home and staying the previous successful unlawful detainer action.  The court will determine next month if a preliminary injunction should be issued.

In Alameda County we were successful in convincing the court that JPMorgan Chase did not have the legal right to move forward with a foreclosure on a loan originally funded by Washington Mutual Bank.  This case is another example of JP Morgan claiming this right based upon it acquisition of some of Washington Mutual’s assets when it went into receivership by the FDIC in 2008.    However this loan was securitized and is allegedly in a trust created in 2005.  This is another case where the Glaski Decision will be very effective.  To read more about the Glaski decision please visit our blog post Homeowner victorious in unprecedented foreclosure case against Bank of America.

For more information about how we can help you and your foreclosure case, please contact us for a free consultation.

For the latest foreclosure information visit Foreclosure News