On Friday, October 14, 2016, Jason W. Estavillo will be one of the Guest Speakers at the Foreclosure Defense Seminar’s only California visit this year. The all day seminar will be held in Downtown Oakland at the Marriott Hotel and will be limited to 60 attendees. Jason W. Estavillo, along with Jeff Barnes, and Richard Kahn will be presenting to an audience of legal professionals, clients, homeowners, and those who are interested in learning more about meaningful, hands-on, practical experience with foreclosure litigation.

Foreclosure Defense Seminars was established as a result of the financial crisis of 2010 that left millions of homeowners across the country fighting to maintain possession of their homes and out of the hands of the banks. Due to unscrupulous practices by banks such as JP Morgan, Chase, Wells Fargo, and the Bank of New York Melon, homeowners are being foreclosed upon and losing their most important asset and perhaps their largest investment.

Foreclosure Defense Seminars will be hosting seminars throughout the country and this is the only California visit scheduled for 2016.

Vision of the Foreclosure Defense Seminars

With education and the sharing of practical experience at the core of the Foreclosure Defense Seminar’s mission, the organization hopes to provide strategies to those facing the foreclosure process, either as an attorney or as a homeowner, and to enable them to win court settlements and court cases.

The Foreclosure Defense Seminars feature key speakers Jeff Barnes, a nationally acclaimed foreclosure litigation attorney, and Richard Khan, a leading testifying expert in the fields of Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud, Real Estate Lending, and Securitization.

In a format that includes limited occupancy, attendees are provided the opportunity to ask questions and will leave with a repertoire of information, including written material from both Mr. Barnes and Mr. Khan.

Chosen as a Result of his Insight, Experience, Knowledge, and Winning Record

Jason Estavillo has earned his reputation as one of the leading foreclosure litigation attorneys, winning court cases against the big banks and representing clients in Alameda, San Francisco, Sonoma, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey, Orange, Los Angeles, San Mateo, Napa, Solano, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Sacramento, Yolo, Butte, Placer, Tuolumne, San Joaquin and San Diego counties.

His persistence and diligence in keeping up with the newest court rulings and using them as a defense in court continually earn him praise and accolades from his clients and fellow attorneys.

The Only Licensed Attorney in California Speaking

Jason was chosen to speak at the Oakland seminar because of his experience representing homeowners throughout California. With over 20 years of litigation experience, Jason was one of the first attorneys to represent homeowners in foreclosure litigation following the financial meltdown. Jason will be the only attorney who has been in both Federal and State Court in California and will speak first and on both his trial court experience along with the appeals he has handled in California

Jason will also answer questions and give helpful tips to homeowners who are facing foreclosure. Jason will also provide free consultations to those attendees who would like to consult more privately after the seminar.

Sign Up for Event

If you or someone you know would like to attend the Foreclosure Defense Seminar at the Marriott in Oakland, CA on Friday, October 14, 2016 from 9am-5pm, please click here. Use the following coupon code: EstavilloLaw$50off to receive a discount on the price of admission. The first 25 people to sign up will receive an additional $200 discount.

Here to Help

If between now and the October seminar you are in jeopardy of losing your home, or would like information on our services, please contact the Estavillo Law Group. We have helped many people stay in their homes, and we may be able to help you, too.