Are you an active member of the military in the Cotati area? As active-duty military personnel, you have already made so many sacrifices. When you encounter hardships, you should get the help you need.

This is especially true if you need foreclosure help. In times of uncertainty, no one wants to lose their house. No active-duty member of the military should be in this position.

The reality is that many military members are in danger of losing their homes. The good news is that there is a foreclosure law that helps to protect active-duty military personnel.

Want to learn more about foreclosure laws? Below we have a guide explaining the laws that might help you avoid foreclosure.

Avoiding Foreclosure Through Foreclosure Law

Servicemembers on active duty can get certain foreclosure protections under federal law. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is the specific law that applies to this issue.

It protects the rights of servicemembers during military or uniformed service. The protections under this law allow service members to focus on defending our country instead of worrying about foreclosure on their home.

Most foreclosure help covers those who took out mortgage loans before going on active duty. In some cases, those who took a loan out after starting active duty may qualify for help also.

Who is Covered Under Foreclosure Law for Military Members?

As a service member, you might be wondering if you’re covered under this law. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act applies to active-duty military members from all over, including in Cotati. You can be part of the Army, Navy, or any other branch of the military.

It also applies to members of reserve units when serving on active duty. Members of the National Guard who are on duty for more than 30 consecutive days can also benefit from this law.

Protections Against Foreclosure

If you took out a mortgage before becoming an active military member, you cannot be foreclosed on. Without a court order, no foreclosure can occur unless you decide to waive your rights.

Under this law, a court can seek to pause or stay a foreclosure proceeding. A court can also choose to adjust the mortgage loan. The servicemember must make a request for this to take place.

To get help invoking your rights under this law, you should hire a foreclosure attorney. They will have extensive experience regarding this situation.

With an experience foreclosure attorney, your chances of keeping your home increases. As a member of the military, you already have so much on your plate. You shouldn’t have to worry about fighting to keep your home.

Take Advantages of the Foreclosure Law for Cotati Soldiers

If you’re an active-duty military personnel facing foreclosure, it is in your best interest to act quickly. There are foreclosure laws that you can take advantage of in order to keep your Cotati home.

Now that you know more about the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, you should find out if it applies to you. Make sure to hire a foreclosure attorney to take on your case.

Contact us to learn how we can help you keep your home. Schedule your free consultation now.