Your Neighbor’s Fence Devalues Your Property

So if you own property here in California, you own a home, and you have a neighbor who isn’t respectful of your property boundaries, and they could actually put a new fence up that’s on your property. They encroach on your property, and they’ve in essence stolen from you some of the value of your property.

What are your options in those situations? The first thing is let’s verify where the property boundaries are. Getting a survey by a licensed survey company here in California. Knowing where the property lines are is the first, is the foundation to being able to address these issues. Then it would be most likely sending a demand letter.

Obviously, you could try to do this on your own because it’s your property. However, our recommendation at this stage is to hire an attorney to help navigate this situation. And by sending a demand letter, if the homeowner, your neighbor, doesn’t respond, the next course of action would be litigation because we would have to go into court to make sure that the court prevents them from doing anything further.

Furthermore, if you don’t do anything, it’s arguably possible that they could actually acquire your property over a period of time without them doing anything else. And that would decrease the value of your property as well. So in those situations, definitely reach out to an attorney. Reach out to us.

We’ll have a, we’re happy to provide a 15 minute free consultation to answer any questions you might have and help navigate the situation in a better way.