Exit in Your Own Terms

When it comes to foreclosure litigation, we can’t save everyone’s home. It’s just not possible. But what we can do is help our clients exit on their own terms versus having the sheriff lock them out. If you’re not aware, if you do face a foreclosure the next step would be an unlawful detainer action.

And once there’s a judgment in the unlawful detainer action, you can have a notice to vacate, post on your door, and unfortunately the sheriff can show up to your house and force you out of the property and they’ll change your locks. You still have a right to get your items after that, up to two weeks, but that’s not something anyone wants to experience.

And we have had clients who have retained us where we’ve been, they either retained us after the foreclosure already happened, or we just aren’t able to stop the foreclosure. However, what we can do is possibly allow our clients to sell the property on their own terms where the lender will allow them to revert the trustee deed upon sale back, unwind that sale, and allow the clients to sell the property so they can maximize their equity.

Alternatively, we’ve been able to keep people in their homes, sometimes for years, through litigation. While we’re trying to figure out a solution, again, sometimes those solutions does include getting the house back. Sometimes it means they have to move out, but every situation’s different and everyone’s definition of a loss is different.

But at the end of the day, if you are facing a foreclosure, it’s best to reach out to an attorney, including us for a free consultation to prevent having a sheriff show up at your house to force you out of the property.