A Bathroom Remodel That Ended In A Lawsuit

A bathroom remodel that ended in a lawsuit, not as uncommon as you’d hoped. See how a small clause can cause big problems. When you sign a contract with a contractor to do any kind of remodeling including a bathroom, make sure there’s specific language on what you want.

Don’t leave it open to interpretation. For example, make sure there’s specific time requirements in the agreement so that the contractor can’t take six months or a year to finish your bathroom because if you can’t use your bathroom, you’re not able to enjoy the benefits of your house. Another example is if you want specific Items, like faucets, sinks, bathtubs, showers, tile, make sure that’s all specified.

Don’t leave that into the interpretation of the contractor, because once it’s installed, that can create a major headache and dispute. Protect your remodel with legal expertise.