Rats In The New Home? You Could Get Some Money Back
So if you’re a recent purchaser of a home here in California and you find out that something wasn’t disclosed for example, there’s a rat infestation in the house in the walls, in the attic, and in the basement, and they keep you up at night. They keep your children up at night. They keep your wife up at night.
What are your options in those situations? The first thing to do is look at the disclosures when you bought the property. Did they disclose anything about that? Did you miss it? If they failed to disclose it, and it’s obvious they knew about it, then you have a potential legal action against them.
And what we would do if you retained us is we would assess what your options are. In this situation, we would most likely send a demand letter after we knew what the damages are for our mediation, because in California, most homeowners who buy property use the standardized CAR forms. And the CAR forms call for a mediation provision followed by arbitration.
And we would proceed with trying to not only make you whole. But also recover any and all attorney fees that you might have to pay to get to the sets to resolve that situation.