Imagine If You Just Found Out You Inherited a Piece of Property

Imagine if you just found out you inherited a piece of property. And your grandfather, who unfortunately just passed away, left it to you. You go to the property, and you find out someone’s living there. Someone you don’t know. Someone that doesn’t know your grandfather.

How can that be? Well, in California, If someone abandons a piece of property, someone else can take possession of it, open it notoriously, pay the property taxes, and after seven years, they, in some legal situations, will go into court and get legal title to the property removing your right to inherit that property.

But, in order to get clarity, talk to a real estate attorney to make sure that they have done that. Because if it hasn’t been seven years, if they haven’t checked all the boxes to get it adversely, to adversely possess it, you might be able to still get the property.