Did you know that easements could affect your property rights and value?

Did you know that easements could affect your property rights and value? If you’re in the process of buying a piece of property, and there’s an easement recorded against the property, get clarity to know what your rights are because that can impact your ability to sell the property in the future.

 Alternatively, if there’s something recorded against the property, but there’s a road going through your property for somebody else, you need to know what your rights are there as well because they might not have a legal right to do that, but they’ve just been doing it because the other neighbor let them do it.

And so you need to know ahead of time if you are going to have to address this with the neighbor. Is it going to create a hostile situation? Or are you going to be able to work with them and find an amicable resolution? But at the end of the day, whether the easement’s recorded or whether it’s just a visual easement of a road going across your land, know what your rights are before you buy the property so you can get clarity and know what you can do next to protect your property.