A Foreclosure Notice on Your Dream Home? It’s Not The End of The Road

A foreclosure notice on your dream home? It’s not the end of the road. Here’s how we’ve helped one family save their home. We’ve been retained less than 10 days before an eminent foreclosure and in certain situations we have the ability to go into court, file a lawsuit, and ask the court to issue what’s called a temporary restraining order.

Once the court grants the TRO, the property cannot be sold. And at that point, We serve the complainant on all the parties. We get an attorney on the other side. And our goal is to not only achieve the short term goal by stopping the sale, which we have already done, but also a long term goal that allows our clients to stay in the property with them and their family so they never become homeless. Facing a foreclosure? There’s hope with the right help.